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How Can You Protect Yourself from Payment-App Scams

Payment apps allow users to send payments to almost anyone, making it easy to split the tab at a shared meal, buy a present for a mutual friend, and quickly pay back a small loan. Unfortunately, though, scammers are using these apps to cheat people out of their money. Here’s all you need to know

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Social Media & Cyber-Scams

Fake Grant ScamsScammers are hacking into people’s Facebook accounts and are messaging their friends and family claiming they are eligible for free grants. The message may come from a newly-acquired friend, a family member, or even a long-time friend, and details information on free grant money from the government.  The message may reference others, specifically those already

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Debit Card Safety

How do you pay for your purchases? It may be instinct for you to pull out any piece of plastic without thinking, but your random card of choice might not be the safest way to pay. Let’s explore when and how to use your debit card.  Credit and debit: How are they different? Appearances aside, your credit

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We are seeing an increase in phishing attempts through phone calls and text messages. Please stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity immediately. If you have questions, do not hesitate to call DoverPhila at 330-364-8874.

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